Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Going with the flow

How many of us can say that we ‘go with the flow’ in our lives? We often hear people telling us to ‘go with the flow’ but what does it mean and why should we practice this. 
Going with the flow of life leads us to be in flow, a state of being where we feel happier, more centred, more in control and more aligned with our True Self.

Looking at this from most people’s perspective the concept of ‘going with the flow’ is hard to apply – why? Because they feel that they have little or no control over their daily lives. The majority of people  work for companies who tell them when they need to be at their desks, when they can take their lunch breaks, what they have to do, when they can go home and when they have permission to  take holiday time.  For nine or more hours a day their lives are run by schedule and that leaves no time for them to go with the flow. When you put it down on paper, the way companies treat people is like a modern day slave- the wage slave. Sadly this is the archetype of 20th /21st century, albeit one that has chosen to be in that position. 

If someone was selling you the concept of working for a company and you had no idea what it was, and you were told that you had to give up your personal freedom in return for money, would you agree to it? I am sure that most people would not agree to have their lives run by other people, but that is exactly what is happening on a grand scale all over the world. The majority of people have handed over their personal power to the company they work for in return for money as compensation for surrendering control of their own lives to outside forces. Companies will have training courses to tell employees  how to think in the way they want you to think, respond in a certain way and act in the way they want you to act and this dilutes people’s own intuition and stops them thinking for themselves. While it is important to have training in the area of work you are in, I believe that some companies are also trying to control how their employees think and behave. Just the same as our education system trains us all to go into the world of work and be a good employee who adheres to systems, protocols and processes.  I used to be one of those wage slaves until I got made redundant and realised what a trap it was and how it was detrimental to my quality of life. I was not able to go with the flow to think independently for myself and to make decisions based on intuition because of my situation. However, the choice to work for a company was my own and so I cannot blame anyone for this.  You always have a choice and can decide to ‘choose again.’

I am going to say something that might surprise you, but I have to say that I have found it to be truth that when you surrender and go with the flow you gain control over your life. It may sound like a contradiction but in actual fact it is not. Let me explain by giving you a few examples. 

Think of a time you knew you need to get up very early in the morning and get to work for say 7am. Did you sleep well the night before? Were you able to fall asleep even if you sent yourself to bed at 9pm, or were you still tossing and turning for hours before you finally dropped off to sleep? I am sure I know the answer to these questions because we have all been in that situation. When you force your body to do something that it is not wanting to do, or when it is not in ‘the flow’. It will resist and resistance causes pain and suffering. You are forcing your body to do something against its will and it is reacting. You don’t feel in control because you were not able to sleep when you wanted to sleep and you will feel exhausted physically and mentally. When you don’t need to get up early and don’t have to be in bed a certain time you will often go to bed more relaxed and have a better night’s sleep because you have surrendered to sleeping when your body feels tired and you are not worrying about having to sleep. Think of some of the best nights out you have had: I can be certain that most of those were unplanned and were ones where you just ‘went with the flow’. When we do this we allow for so many more possibilities of fun because we aren’t forcing or trying to control the situation.

When you are asked to do something at work that you don’t want to do and are told you have to do it now. It will be ever so difficult for you to do, it will take hours and it won’t be done to a high standard. This is because you are not in the flow to complete that work at that time, so everything will be against you.  On the other hand, if you are asked to do something you love, remember that feeling of absolute happiness and excitement as you think about what you are going to do and you complete it easily and quickly and do a really great job. This is when you are in the flow and are doing something that you enjoy, at that moment you have the inspiration and creative energy flowing through you at that time to complete the task. When you follow your bliss you are doing things that are enriching and feeding your soul at a very deep level. When you do things you don’t care for it is detrimental to your soul and creative energy force. It cuts off your intuition, higher insights and inspiration. Your thoughts become slow and muddied and you lack clarity and clear thinking. You are easy to take advantage of because you are weak and vulnerable and will be easily influenced. 

How to ‘Be in Flow’

If you are now thinking, well I am in this situation and I want to know what I can do about it. I will give you some guidance as to how to improve your current situation to be more ‘in the flow’ to regain more control of your life.

You firstly need to take back your personal power and the best way to do this is to become knowledgeable. The old adage knowledge is power is true. If you show that you have knowledge about your role, business or subject area, then people will listen to you and they will be less likely to want to control you and you will be given more autonomy.  Share knowledge with your colleagues as sharing knowledge is a way to help everyone take back their personal power and feel more in control. Another way of taking back your personal power that is even more powerful than knowledge is truth. When you are in your truth, nothing can touch you. You are a force to be reckoned with. In fact if you work for a company which is two-faced , political and doesn’t have your best interests at heart, you might be seen as a bit of a thorn in their side but don’t let that put you off. You will soon shine light on any darkness and make it disappear. Standing in your truth is being in integrity and aligning with your soul is so good for you. If you work for a decent company that has integrity then this will elevate you even higher and you will feel the benefit of this from the universe as it reflects back to you what you put out – as within so without. The knock-on effect of this will be that you are more in flow and are able to action things in Divine timing, when you feel the need to do it and not be at the mercy of outside forces and circumstance. 
The main principals to ‘Being in the Flow’

These are the basic principals I apply to my life that helps me to be in the flow. My life certainly runs more smoothly when I apply them. There will be obstacles that crop up and throw you a curve ball, as this is the way things are in this world (the law of cause and effect and balance – I will talk about the universal laws in another post) but I can say that these are pillars of truth that allow for Divine flow to take place in your life.

1.        Follow your intuition – when you get the intuition to call someone, then do it quite often that person will be thinking of you or will require your help. Go and pick that book up you saw at the book store that caught your eye, it most likely has the answers to some questions you have been asking. You will see that friends kind words, answers, money, love, synchronistic meetings, opportunities and all sorts of other fantastic things fall into your lap without you even having to make much effort when you follow your intuition
2.      Follow your bliss – when you see it’s a lovely sunny day and you get the urge to go for a walk then just do it – don’t worry that you have the washing up to do or those emails to write, just go for the walk and do it when you come back. You will find you have more inspiration and energy to do those tasks when you return and you will feel in a much better frame of mind
3.      Follow your inspiration – I only write a blog post when I get the inspiration for a topic to write about. I don’t say to myself  that I must post a blog post every week and must write it on Monday and work on it for three hours as that is a form of resistance and will not lead to a helpful or beneficial post for my readers or for myself. I just allow the inspiration to come and work on my blog when I feel the creative force and flow coming through me, this way it gets done in half the time and will be a much better quality post than if I force myself to do it
4.      Take inspired action – Going with the flow doesn’t mean that you just let yourself be carried along with whatever is happening in your life– don’t get caught up in dramas or things of a lower nature, always make sure you are coming from a higher place. You must take inspired action to be in flow, not simply be tossed about like a row boat on the ocean. Go with the flow of your higher nature and take action accordingly by acting on the three principals that I have mentioned above. 

I do hope that this helps you to become more attuned to your higher senses of inspiration and intuition and this allows you to be more aligned with your soul’s desires so you can be in the flow for a greater part of your life. You will start to notice that your life is happier, more blissful and less stressful than before and you feel more in control.

I look forward to hearing your comments.

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