About this blog

This blog has been born to help people to raise their consciousness, vibration and start living a fully conscious, authentic life, in alignment with their true selves. Only when we live a full life based on our core values and truth can we start living a truly fulfilling life. 

In 2013 I went through a massive shift in consciouness and realised that so many things I was doing in my life was not really who I was or wanted to be. I was living someone else's life. So much of what I did, thought and said was limiting me and holding me back from seeing who I truly was and stepping into my power. My life felt like the  hall of 'Funny Mirrors' in a theme park, where in each mirror I saw a distorted view of myself: the real me was hidden from view.

My blog is about me sharing the Truth of who and what I am as a co-creator being of love and light with the Divine through my own Divine remembrance and experiences.The truth is we are all beings of love and light who have been manipulated over eons and therefore have distorted views of who and what we are. Most of us are living lives that are not aligned with that Truth. We are all just looking into our 'Funny Mirrors' and polishing up those warped, skewed aspects of who we think we are.  I am here to help shatter those mirrors to help people to wake up from the illusion of who they thought they were into the Truth of who they really are.  Through this blog I am sharing my Truth from my own experiences; this is how Truth can be fully embodied. 

All the thoughts I share on this blog are my own from my own unique perspective. I look forward to hearing your comments.

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