Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Our new higher spiritual chakra system: the higher 8 chakras and their meaning.

The month of April saw an intense shift in energies and expansion of human consciousness as the alignment of the Grand Cardinal Cross signified the further collapse of the old 3D matrix and the further integration as we move into further into 4D and 5D realities. The Blood Moon, which happened around the same time opened up a portal of higher energies for us to walk through into the higher dimensions.  To keep up with the shift it is necessary for our Divine body template to upgrade so we are able to live fully in these higher realities. This requires us to activate a higher spiritual chakra system, over and above the primary chakra system consisting of 7 main chakras. The new expanded system consists of 15 chakras (7 primary and 8 higher chakras) and will enable us to create a healthier, disease-free life for ourselves, thus increasing our life-span and will allow full connection to our Higher Selves and Universal consciousness.

What are chakras and what do they do? 

The word chakra is Sanskrit and literally translates as ‘spinning wheel’. They look like coloured cones of energy (they are actually vortexes) and are found in the etheric body, just above the physical body, in our auric field. Our chakras are essential to us maintaining a healthy body and emotional wellbeing. They are gateways to spiritual expansion within the physical form and use Source energy or spiritual light in order to operate. Source energy enters in through the Crown Chakra in the primary system but in the higher system it enters in higher up through the Stellar Gateway Chakra. It then travels down our central chakra pillar (within our spinal column) and nourishes all the chakras with this spiritual light. The chakras can also take in energy from the atmosphere, and this is known as prana or life-force energy. It enters each chakra individually as needed and at the same time the chakra is also releasing and removing old energy which is no longer useful. 

 If you know something about the chakras, then you will be aware that traditionally we have been taught that there are 7 main chakras in our bodies – the root or base chakra, the sacral or naval chakra, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye or brow chakra and the crown chakra just above our heads. 

However, this is only a small proportion of our actual full-body chakra system. We have many more of these chakras but our access to these was shut down after the fall of Atlantis. During the Golden Age of Atlantis we had access to 24 chakras but after the fall, we descended from fifth dimensional consciousness to third dimensional consciousness, and so could no longer could access the higher chakras. Now we are ascending back to fifth dimensional consciousness, which is that of Divine Love of all of creation, and therefore for first time we are able to access these higher chakras again. The higher chakras (from 8 to 15) are latent in people until they begin to work on their spiritual evolution and then the new chakras will begin to open and integrate within their chakra system. The primary function of the higher chakras are to connect us to the higher spiritual planes, more fully to Mother Earth, our Soul and Higher Self and also to Divine Love and Wisdom from the Universe.

Here is the new higher chakra system template as I see it:

8th Chakra - This is a new chakra is called The Well of Dreams where we have access to the past, present & future realities and multi-dimensional information. It helps us to become fully conscious and enables us to integrate the knowledge and lessons in our present life path & life purpose and assist with ascension from 3D to a 4D reality. It is bright lime green in colour. It is located at occipital juncture in the back of the head where the skull and neck are joined. This chakra is related to the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum. It links directly to the chakra column and it is important that you keep your energy body as clear as possible as this chakra can attract dark energy, if it is not kept clean.

9th Chakra – This is the
Ascension Chakra and is connected to the pineal gland in the centre of the mid brain and is activated through the eyes, although is located at the back of the head below the Crown Chakra. It activates when the person is on the path of self-mastery and allows for ascension into the fifth dimension. It is white and gold in colour.

10th Chakra - This is the
Higher Heart Chakra and is located over the thymus (just above the Heart Chakra, where you can feel two small bumps.) It helps you to feel Divine Love and compassion for all of creation, whereas the heart chakra helps you to feel love for oneself. It is pale pink in colour.

11th Chakra - This is your
Earth Star Chakra and is located 12 inches below your feet. This chakra connects us to Mother Earth and is the grounding cord of your multidimensional light body. It is black and white in colour.

12th Chakra – This is the Soul Star Chakra. It is the first transpersonal chakra multidimensional gateway of the soul, also known as the seat of the soul where Divine wisdom and compassion are accessed. It is where soul braiding occurs and allows the soul to enter into the body and also to leave the body at death. It is magenta pink in colour.

13th Chakra – This is the
Stellar Gateway Chakra and is extremely bright as it is the point where Divine light enters the body from Source. It is a portal that allows the soul to connect with Source energy. It is a bright white colour.

14th Chakra - This is the Etheric Chakra and is located 12 inches above the Crown Chakra (arms length above head). It is the connection to your Higher Self and the etheric realm as well as accessing a theta state of consciousness. It is a pearlescent blue colour.

15th Chakra – This chakra is your gateway to the Universe and is known as the
Galactic or Universal Chakra. It is your personal portal to other dimensions and means of connection to Heavenly Beings such as the Ascended Masters, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command and other Galactic Beings. This is gold in colour.

In my next post I will look at the 7 lower chakras to explain how they are shifting to include higher aspects as part of our new higher chakra system template and how to tell if they are out of alignment and what you can do about this.

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