Saturday, 1 February 2014

The importance of opening the heart centre and living from the heart

I could write a book about this subject because of it’s enormous importance and the vastness of the topic. In my opinion, the opening of the heart is the single most important thing we can do for ourselves and for humanity. If we lived in a world where everyone had open hearts, we would have no more war, murder, brutality and evil. It is as simple as that. It simply could not exist. 

Never has there been a time, like there is now, for the hearts of humanity to open. We are living in a new paradigm - the Age of Aquarius. Our planet is aligned with the Galactic Centre, the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun, bringing in new wonderful and powerful energies onto the planet to help us to raise our consciousness. The world is changing and a new one is emerging in the midsts of the old one. We are part of a big evolutionary shift in consciousness. We have the most amazing opportunity to be involved in a planetary ascension in our lifetime, something that has never happened on Earth before.  To say this is unprecedented is an understatement. This is an exciting time to be alive but also a very challenging one.  The new paradigm requires us to live a heart centred life and to be ‘heart-centric’, embodying the qualities of the heart: unconditional love, compassion, consideration, co-operation, unity, generosity and peace. 
Fear, control, separation, judgement and competition, are part of the old paradigm that isn’t working for people anymore and will continue to fall away in 2014 as The Year of the Horse brings swift change, freedom, breaking free of the old and galloping through the winds of change. No longer can we be ruled by people with ego-centred minds, minds which are rigid because the heart is closed. They control by creating fear and have power over others, by way of controlling the financial systems and creating demands for material possessions thus making people tied into working in a corporate system. This way of life only results in misery, suffering, death and destruction. All the wars, killings, beatings, rape of mother earth and needless suffering is all caused by people with closed hearts, ruled by their egos in minds of steel. We need a new way of being if humanity is to survive. It is time to get out of the mind... now is the time to live from the heart!

It starts with one person – you- to make this change happen. One open heart at a time helps this much needed shift to occur. The benefits of living from the heart are enormous. People say, well if there is a God then why is there so much suffering? Suffering occurs because people have not opened their hearts and are choosing to live from their minds. Suffering is a choice. We all have choices in life. You can choose to flow with life or struggle against it. Only when you open your heart will you discover how delicious life can be. Happiness and beauty is found wherever you are - in the smile of another, in seeing a small flower in the crack of a pavement. Living from the heart allows you to be present in every moment. When you live from the mind you are either living in the past – in regret, guilt and sadness or in the future – in anxiety and fear. The mind will never let you live in the here and now. You can only be totally present and free of all those lower toxic emotions when you live in the heart. When you are fully heart centred, nothing can disturb your inner peace. You become enlightened by consistently living from the heart. It takes constant practice to bring your awareness always in the heart, but once the heart is fully open you are in constant communion with the universe or the God Force. 

So how do you go about opening up the heart?
The most important thing is to love yourself. People have closed hearts because they do not love themselves. If you do not love yourself you will find it impossible to fully love another, to love humanity and the world around you. You will always live in doubt and distrust of others, always thinking people are out to get you. 

I used to really dislike myself and suffered from a closed heart. I didn’t like humanity at all. I saw the horrible things they were doing to each other, the environment and animals and thought humans are awful. By thinking negative thoughts about others, you are thinking these thoughts about yourself. I opened my heart through a variety of methods.  I have detailed the ones below, which I know to be extremely effective:

  1. Say loving and kind things to yourself about yourself. Be gentle to yourself, no matter what you have done in the past or mistakes you have made. Make a list of  20 things you love about yourself, include things you like about the way you look, your personality, kind things you have done for others and yourself. Once you have reached 20, then extend the list to 40 
  2. Make a list of kind things you have done for yourself every day for three weeks. This encourages you to do loving things for yourself – even ‘I bought myself a banana smoothie’ counts. You are making kind, healthy and wise choices to feed your body with rather than choosing a coke 
  3. Look into the bathroom mirror every morning and say to yourself. ‘I love you’ at least ten times. When you do this for the first time it will be the hardest thing you will ever do and it may even bring you to tears. This is ok, it is part of the process and will get easier
  4.  Buy some rose quartz crystals and place them under your pillow when you sleep and by your bed. They will help you to open up your heart. Hold them while you meditate, they will help you enormously to open up your heart centre. 
  5. Ask God and the angels to help you to open your heart. Asking is prayer and God / The Creator / Source (however you like to refer to the power of the Universe) answers every prayer. It is your own belief that he doesn’t that stops you from receiving the answers. Jesus said “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22. This is a Spiritual Law. Spiritual Laws are above all other laws and govern how the Universe works. Praying is not about being religious. It is about having faith and belief in a greater power than you that loves you. God wants to help you, but you have to ask for help. We have (a certain level) of free will which means that we have to ask for help before help is given. (I will write separate posts about the Universal Spiritual Laws and the power of prayer and how to pray effectively as most people don’t know how to. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have on Earth.) 
  6. Forgive yourself for any wrong doing you may have done and extend forgiveness to anyone you feel has done any wrong doing towards you. People often talk about asking God for forgiveness but this is not so. God doesn’t forgive because he doesn’t judge. God is pure unconditional love. Only humans have judgement, therefore we need to forgive ourselves and others. 
  7.  Sing happy songs and dance. I found Hindu mantra/deity songs to be extremely effective for me. You might choose childhood songs. My favourites are: Somewhere over the Rainbow, When you Wish Upon a Star, Get Happy, Pure Imagination. They must invoke happy memories and have uplifting words.
  8.  Laugh often. Watch a funny movie, go and see a comedy show, listen to songs that make you smile. Hang out with friends you know will make you laugh. Laughter raises your vibration and opens your heart. You can’t be angry or mean to anyone when you are happy and laughing. Laughter melts the heart open.  
  9. Be generous. Give away some of your things to charity or donate some money, bake your elderly neighbour a cake, volunteer with animals or sick people. Generosity is a divine attribute of the heart and when you embody these attributes you heart opens.
  10. Meditate. Quieting the mind helps the heart to open as it allows it to speak. The heart talks with a whisper, while the mind shouts. To hear the gentle whisper and yearnings of the heart you need to quiet the mind. Then you can hear the heart by feeling it. The heart speaks through feeling. Feelings of warmth, compassion and kindness.

When your heart is opening you will find yourself crying often over little things, such as something that someone said or an advert on TV. This is good sign. It shows your heart is opening as you become sensitive to the negativity around you. When people have closed hearts they are de-sensitised to the pain and suffering of others. When you see something happening that you don’t like, such as a disaster on TV, you don’t have to watch it or engage in it, just send love and healing from your heart to anyone who needs it in that area of the world. Sending your thoughts, love and prayers are very effective to bring about change.

I hope that this helps you to open your heart as it is so important that as many people open their hearts as possible to reduce the amount of brutality and evil in the world. Overcoming this can only be achieved by opening and living from your heart.

With an open heart, I look forward to hearing your comments.

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