Sunday, 16 March 2014

So you want to live in a more loving and harmonious world? Don’t judge what you see.

How judging creates a prison that locks you into a reality you don’t want.

I recently listened to a great interview where they talked about the vital principals pertaining to us being able to shift and change our world to one that is more peaceful and loving.  One of the major principals is around judgement. It was eloquently explained that when we judge something we are inadvertently keeping the very thing we don’t like locked into our current reality. It will then continue to show up and annoy us until we learn not to judge it.  I knew I had to write a post on this subject as I had an experience recently that I can use to illustrate the importance of this message.
The Last Judgement by Jan Provost
Calling time on judgement
Judgement is as old as the Bible, even older in fact. It is something that has been part of our society for thousands of years. When we make a judgement, we are forming an opinion about something or someone that is negative and most of the time these are based on assumptions from what we have seen, heard, read or been told by someone. We all have a tendency to judge things in our lives from the film we saw at the cinema, the colour Cheryl dyed her hair, to the person we just met.  It has almost become second nature and we do it without even knowing we’re doing it because most of the time it’s done subconsciously. It is a negative programme which runs in our subconscious mind that we should actively seek to change.

Many of the judgements we hold are ones we formed long ago and that we keep on repeating over and over.  We have been taught to judge from a young age through listening to our parents, siblings, carers, teachers, the media, other children and so on and by taking on board their opinions as our own. It is important for us to all practice discernment and to not simply take on board other people's opinions but have direct experience ourselves before forming a conclusion. The current dictionary definition describes judgement as ‘a considered decision or sensible conclusion’   but this is far from the truth and shows the current belief system that rules the masses.

When you judge something you are unknowingly labelling it with a negative charge. This charge keeps the very thing you don’t like in your reality because of the negative charge you have given to it. Your subconscious mind will also label and judge everything that looks like that person or thing with the same label e.g all fat people eat too much and are couch potatoes, all kids wearing hoodies are hooligans etc.  They will continue to appear in your reality until you have learnt to practice non-judgement and discernment. I hope you are now aware of just how detrimental judging can be.

Stop judging and start choosing
I want to show you how can stop judging by practicing non-judgement and help to free yourself from what you don’t like by sharing my own experience with you. Last Sunday you may recall it was lovely weather like it has been this weekend. I was happy that spring was in the air and the sun was shining. I went to the park and saw above me a bright blue sky and warm golden sun. There didn’t seem to be a cloud in the sky, however I noticed above me long white chem trails criss-crossing overhead cutting through the blue expanse of sky. It made me really annoyed to see them on such a nice day, spoiling my good mood. I was angry to think that chemicals are being sprayed into the atmosphere and are poisoning our plant and animal life and ultimately affecting our health. 

Pics of chem trails taken above where I live in Bethnal Green
In that moment of feeling angry I have judged chem. trails as bad and harmful - given them a negative charge and bound them to my current reality. Ok, I hear you say, so how do you not judge chem. trails if you see them?  We know they are bad and it is understandable that you feel angry? Well, my friends, this is simply a matter of opinion (or a judgement) you see. It is hard not to get riled up about these things when you have an opinion about them. If I didn’t know they were chem. trails and what they were doing I wouldn’t have judged them as good or bad, I would have just observed them.

Observing and acknowledging what is, is very powerful as this stops you from making a judgment. It puts you in a place of power because you are not reacting with fear, anger, hate or any other negative emotion which only limits your experience and keeps you in a lower vibration. If I simply allow myself to look at the chem. trails and acknowledge there are chem. trails in the sky. It will bring up a feeling in me that I need to acknowledge as the relative TRUTH about how I feel about them. The feeling provides me with a point of reference as something that I don’t want in my reality. 

We all have choices but our choices are based on only one thing and that is preference. When you have preferences, you have choicesJudging is taking away that choice and creates a self-imposed prison based on your previous judgements.

 We can only change and shift our outer reality and experiences through making conscious choices and these can only be made by having preferences. To have preferences instead of judgements we need to become a neutral observer. By this I mean taking a neutral position by simply observing and acknowledging what you see and any feelings that arise without judgement and then letting them go. 

We then need to do some personal inquiry and discerning: the chem. trail is also an outward reflection of an inward condition. Ask yourself, what is this chem. trail trying to tell me about the way I am living my life?  It might be there to show that the way we are currently living our lives is toxic.  Where are we putting chemicals into/on our bodies? If we smoke, drink, eat GM foods and buy non-organic skincare then we will continue to see the chem. trails as a reflection of not living in alignment. I am consciously trying to eliminate toxins in my body. It is hard work as toxins are found everywhere, but this is why we can’t expect the world to show us what we want if we are not in alignment with our highest virtues and values.

When you stop judging and labelling things you feel much freer. It allows you to flow with life’s current and allow what is as you know there is a Divine order to everything. It stops you getting sucked into negative thinking, blaming and complaining. When you don’t allow something to impact your reality negatively and move you off centre, then it cannot harm you and it opens you up to limitless possibilities.

Let me know your thoughts on judgements and preferences.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Animal protein – toxic and hazardous to human health

Over the past couple of days I have seen articles in the papers about the health dangers of eating too much sugar and animal protein. Hurrah I say! Finally, people are waking up to the dangers that lurk in eating a dead carcass.  
The Guardian ran an article to highlight the scientific proof that animal protein is toxic and if you eat a lot of it, it can have a potentially harmful effect on your health.  People under 65 who eat a lot of meat, eggs and dairy are four times as likely to die from cancer or diabetes, the study suggests. The findings emerged from a study of 6,381 people aged 50 and over who took part in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which tracks a representative group of adults and children in the US.

I am not surprised at these findings as they pretty much confirm what I believe, that consuming dead animals is hazardous to human health. I will outline below the reasons why I believe this.

We have been a meat obsessed nation for far too long. We tend to think that if we don’t eat meat then we can’t get full and we won’t get enough protein or iron in our diets. Is that the truth or is that something we have been programmed to believe over generations?  The belief in eating meat for ‘health reasons’ such as getting enough protein and iron only serves to keep us eating it. People need to question these claims and not simply accept what they are told. Is this really true or just a long-standing belief?  
I am a vegan now and I can assure you that you can get enough protein and iron from only eating plant based food. Quinoa, tofu, spinach, potatoes, brown rice, pulses like lentils and beans (legumes) are all full to bursting with  protein and iron. You feel full up after eating them but you also don’t feel bloated or sluggish, you have more energy and look a lot healthier. Not to mention losing weight. I have lost half a stone and I didn’t even need to but the unhealthy, fatty, wobbly parts just drop off when we eat pure, living, healthy whole foods. I certainly eat a varied diet and get more protein and vitamins through my healthy legumes based diet than I ever did when I was a meat-eater – and I certainly feel better for it.

 Which plate of food would you rather eat?

As a former meat-eater I know how tasty meat can be and how easy it is to eat meat as it is so readily available. But as my awareness has grown over the past year or so around how farm animals are often treated terribly and kept in squalid conditions. The meat and dairy industries are not ethical, they think nothing about pumping cows full of hormones to get them to grow bigger and produce more milk. Cattle and dairy farms are like Frankenstein factories. 

 I have to agree with Morrissey when he so poetically sang ‘Meat is murder’. When a living animal which has emotions, ok not the same range as we do, but still has emotions is being killed, it will feel the same terror and fear that you would if that was happening to you. The trauma it goes through will be contained within the animal’s body when it is dead. It is stored within the cellular memory of the animal or the protein (the cells). If the last memory the animal had before it was killed was fear then that is what is stored with the cells of its body and that is what you will be ingesting when you eat it. It will also have hormones and other nasty toxic chemicals in its body that it has been fed on. Still fancy that McDonalds for lunch?

This is why scientists are finding that animal protein is toxic, because the protein contains the last cellular memory of the animal and it is the toxic emotion of fear and terror as it was killed as well as the plethora of chemicals it was fed on. When you eat meat you are taking in dense, toxic energy into your body. This poisonous energy will block your own energy from flowing freely around the body and can cause dis-ease. It may take years to have an effect, first it is likely to affect your emotions,  causing you to have lows such as sadness and anxiety, then it may lead to mental health problems like depression but eventually it will impact your physical health. 

Remember those harrowing BSE cases we had a few years ago? This was because people were eating meat from cows which had a brain disease caused by feeding them on dead animals. If you didn’t know this already then you should do. The cows were not fed on grass, hay and natural grains like they should naturally but on the remains of dead animals. This is absolutely grotesque for those poor animals and then they are killed and given to people to eat. It is beyond disgusting and shows you the real danger of eating meat as you very rarely know how the animal has been reared, fed and killed. Most recently there was the horsemeat scandal of a year or so ago. The reason these terrible things happen is a warning to people of the dangers of eating meat. You wouldn’t get the same warnings about eating broccoli – even if it is GM. 

If you still want to eat meat then it is your choice but I urge you to read the recent article in The Guardian and think carefully about what I have said. Would you not rather put live, healthy, organic nutritious fruit, salads and vegetables into your body? Or would you rather eat a dead animal that has been killed in fear and fed toxins from a squalid pen. The choice of choosing life over death is yours.