Friday, 31 January 2014

Clearing your living space to improve your health, happiness and abundance

Image credit:

There are so many reasons to clear your living space, not only will it improve your health, it will increase the positive chi energy flow that will improve your happiness, love and financial situation. Living in a place which is dirty and messy will have a negative effect on your auric field. It will actually lower your vibration and can attract negative energies and entities into your space. If you are waking up spiritually then I can’t recommend this enough to you. If you want to increase your abundance and good things coming to you then you will want to do this, otherwise these energies will get blocked from flowing into your life stopping you finding love and achieving personal success, which is rightfully yours.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

New Moon in Aquarius on 30 January 2014 is a Super Moon

 Image credit:

I am very excited because we have another New Super Moon in January today, 30 January. I am an Aquarian so I am probably more excited than most as its in my sun sign. The Aquarian energy is always about bringing in a new way of thinking and being, a new age, a new shift, a new paradigm. We are now living in the Age of Aquarius, also known as the Golden Age, the time when humanity will wake up to a new consciousness, expand their limited views and rediscover that we are all part of the Divine and are all connected -  and always were, we just forgot.

Monday, 27 January 2014


I am very pleased with myself today, as I finally found a perfect pair of handmade Tibetan Tingshas, also known as Tibetan Cymbals, to use in my Sound Healing sessions. 

I am a Sound Healer who uses Chakra Healing Tuning Forks to clear, balance and align the body's chakra system and auric field. The tuning forks are really effective and the healing is extremely deep and powerful. The Tingshas will be used to prepare the space by cleansing it of unwanted energies, opening the healing session and closing it.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Angelic messenger in the clouds

I took this photo in the July of 2013 with my iPhone from the terrace of my flat. I could hardly believe what I was seeing in the sky above me. I could clearly make out what looks like an angel with its wings outstretched riding a horse. It was such a beautiful thing to see at a time when I was going through a great deal of turmoil in my life. It was a strong message from the angels that they are there with me and that everything is ultimately happening for my highest and greatest good and I need to trust in the process.